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Well, it's not necessarily true that you'll be checked on your marriage, besides how they gonna check your marriage wthin 2 hours?

I believe that most interviews are for to make sure that your family can surivive
as new immigrants. So you will be talking as if you are doing a job interview with
an HR manager, friendly, open, fluent, smart and easy to be understood by westerners.
The goal is to be liked, not necessarily to be impressed. Meaning don't stretch
anything or yourselves.

Many years ago, I was almost announced dead. The interviewer was very hostile and
for some reasons, disliked me (us) in the beginning. Luckily, my English was very
impressive and I believe my talk served as a persuasive presentation.

My wife didn't talk any English (but another Euro lingo), I told the interviewer
that in fact she doesn't really want to go, but very affirmatively said that I
wanted to go and I would make it.

It was very much like a miracle when we eventually received our landing paper.

Good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / Help, Need interview!!! SOS
    hi, guys,

    My husband checked in Beijing embassy's website, it said we need interview. I really wonder what they want to know through interview, for we have pass the medical examine and mailed the extra materials upon their requirement.

    Could anybody tell me why Family classs immigration need interview?

    And Is there anybody has the same experience?

    Thank you
    • 大家好,为什么没人理我?因为用了英文吗?请看中文......


      如果面试,我看公告里写的家庭团聚的面试才排到2000年12月,我可以申请stand by 吗?



      • Really! I don't know if it is accurate. But what kind of stuff they asked you to provide? If it is not important, I don't think you need a interview.
      • 等等再说,如果移民官要面试你的话,说明他对你们的婚姻有了怀疑,赶紧想想自己哪里不对,照此准备
        • They asked the resume of my husband. By the way, my husband applied Indepandant immigrant before but he cancled the interview later because of some personal matters.
          • 我猜敌人是怀疑你老公和你不配,他学历太低或太高了,一般夫妻双方从世俗的观点不配的那种,是面试机率最高的,你再想想,就照此准备吧
          • 若我是敌人的话就会怀疑你LG的移民资格,上次申请独立移民一定是心虚才Cancel的,这次又转为自以为有把握的团聚移民。哈,我偏要查你个底儿掉!
            所以我觉得关键就是他上次申请为什么又Cancel了,也就是你所说的"Personal matters“。如果这个原因站得住就没什么可怕的。
        • 闲人说的对,我在去大使馆查询时曾碰到一对面试的团聚移民夫妻,是一个中国男人和一个加拿大女老外,他的朋友告诉他们是假结婚,所以才要面试的,一般团聚移民是不需要面试的。
          • 谢谢闲人和金丝猴,但很冤枉,我的婚姻真的不假,难道面试就意味着他们认为婚姻是假的?那为什么还面试?我想是不是主动再补充资料?我五月曾回国和先生去看他的父母,照片,机票还有最近几月的电话单子?


            • 错!最近几个月的怎么行?敌人要从你们头一次约会开始审查起,那些档案里的问题你没有填过呀?每个人情况不同,我认为要点就是

            • 如果他们怀疑有假直接给你拒了的话,不是更坏吗?面试是你唯一申诉的机会,一定要把握住。请面试辅导是否有用不好说,因为他们主要是辅导独立移民的。
              • 谢谢闲人和大家, 给我这么多建议,我先生和我都是硕士,都从事电脑工作,他的技术比我好得多,我的英文比他好,我现在有比较稳定的工作,我连公司的benefit的证明都开好了。
                所要求的资料一样不少地提供了,我不明白他们还要什么,如果觉得证据不足的话,他们应该让我补资料呀,可只要求补先生的resume. 所以,我没招数了,唯一的一点是他曾经申请独立移民单放弃了面试。

                • 放心吧,真的假不了。可能是移民官对你先生的背景或经历有了兴趣,要当面问问,不然只要求补简历干嘛。好好准备,祝你成功!一定会的!
                  • 谢谢闲人,我的心情现在好多了。
                    • 最重要的是自然、放松。
                      • Try my best *_*
      • Well, it's not necessarily true that you'll be checked on your marriage, besides how they gonna check your marriage wthin 2 hours?
        I believe that most interviews are for to make sure that your family can surivive
        as new immigrants. So you will be talking as if you are doing a job interview with
        an HR manager, friendly, open, fluent, smart and easy to be understood by westerners.
        The goal is to be liked, not necessarily to be impressed. Meaning don't stretch
        anything or yourselves.

        Many years ago, I was almost announced dead. The interviewer was very hostile and
        for some reasons, disliked me (us) in the beginning. Luckily, my English was very
        impressive and I believe my talk served as a persuasive presentation.

        My wife didn't talk any English (but another Euro lingo), I told the interviewer
        that in fact she doesn't really want to go, but very affirmatively said that I
        wanted to go and I would make it.

        It was very much like a miracle when we eventually received our landing paper.

        Good luck
        • 朋友,你说的是独立移民面试吧?这是团聚移民,游戏规则好像不一样。
      • 情况一样,其他家庭移民的朋友也可以查询一下,看是否是一个普遍现象。
        • 真的吗?我不知道,告他们肯定是没戏的,不过可以互通有无。我可以和你联系吗? Gigi
          • 可以
        • 你说一下你的具体情况把,怎么那么多人要面试呢?
        • That's normal
          As long as I know, it is seems every case need background check now, including family class. Generally they employ other agent to do that. Maybe the immigration officer want to save some effort and time. Don't worry, the only thing you need to do is showing them all your statement in application is true.