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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以下来自e13000.pdf, 我以前下载的,你若找不到,我可以发给你
Application Kit for Family Class
How to Apply to Immigrate to Canada
1. Collect the documents you need to support your application. These are listed in Section Three/
Appendix C: Checklist. The Appendix C: Checklist will tell you how many copies of the
application form the visa office requires. It will also tell you which documents must be originals
and which should be photocopies, and whether a certified translation in English or French is
2. You, your spouse (if applicable), and each dependent child aged 18 or over (whether accompanying
you or not) must complete a separate Immigrant Application Form (Application for Permanent
Residence in Canada) (IMM 0008), found in Section Two (See Important Words to Know in
the Guide for a definition of “dependent children”). This kit provides only one application form.
Before you start to fill it in, ensure you make enough photocopies.
You, your spouse (if applicable), and each dependent child aged 18 or over (whether accompanying
you or not) must also complete the Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406). It is very
important that you list on this form any other children (even if they are already permanent residents
of Canada or Canadian citizens) that you, your spouse or your dependent children might have who
are not included in your Immigrant Application Form (IMM 0008). This includes married
children and any of your children who have been adopted by others or are in the custody of an ex-spouse.
This kit provides only one form. Before you start to fill it in, ensure you make enough photocopies.
Detailed instructions for completing the forms are provided in the following pages under How to
Complete the Forms. Do not leave any blanks. Do not forget to sign and date your form.
...........更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 各位大虾,我正在给孩子办移民,现遇到如下问题,望知道的朋友回答。多谢! 1)申请表签名,因宝宝只有九个月,如何签名?或用某某for某某的格式? 2)户口用公证件还是用原件?户口能公证吗?想当年我们申请的时候并没有用到户口啊。 3)四张LABEL如何做?
    • 你的Sponsorship办好了吗?Family Class的Checklist中有一项"Notarized photocopy of sponsor's complete passport - all entries and stamps should be legible."这一项怎么办?回国办公证行吗?
      • 我的Sponsorship 已办好了,但你后面说的那一条没看到。
        • 真早啊! Sponsorship是不用啊,但是你给小孩办Family class的时候,Checklist中有这一项呀。你还没看到吧?
          • I saw it. But this is for spouse/fiance case.BTW,I'm the beibei in Shanghai.
            • OIC, the beibei here is FUBAIing now. :) haha. I will return to Shanghai next week. and I will apply for my baby and my wife. So I may need your experience some day. Thanks in advance here.
              • Sure,no problem.Email me.
    • Beibei,请进,好象18岁以下小孩不用填表。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以下来自e13000.pdf, 我以前下载的,你若找不到,我可以发给你
      Application Kit for Family Class
      How to Apply to Immigrate to Canada
      1. Collect the documents you need to support your application. These are listed in Section Three/
      Appendix C: Checklist. The Appendix C: Checklist will tell you how many copies of the
      application form the visa office requires. It will also tell you which documents must be originals
      and which should be photocopies, and whether a certified translation in English or French is
      2. You, your spouse (if applicable), and each dependent child aged 18 or over (whether accompanying
      you or not) must complete a separate Immigrant Application Form (Application for Permanent
      Residence in Canada) (IMM 0008), found in Section Two (See Important Words to Know in
      the Guide for a definition of “dependent children”). This kit provides only one application form.
      Before you start to fill it in, ensure you make enough photocopies.
      You, your spouse (if applicable), and each dependent child aged 18 or over (whether accompanying
      you or not) must also complete the Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406). It is very
      important that you list on this form any other children (even if they are already permanent residents
      of Canada or Canadian citizens) that you, your spouse or your dependent children might have who
      are not included in your Immigrant Application Form (IMM 0008). This includes married
      children and any of your children who have been adopted by others or are in the custody of an ex-spouse.
      This kit provides only one form. Before you start to fill it in, ensure you make enough photocopies.
      Detailed instructions for completing the forms are provided in the following pages under How to
      Complete the Forms. Do not leave any blanks. Do not forget to sign and date your form.
      ...........更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢,我已download 下来了。表上是说,十八岁以上必须单独填表,没说十八岁以下不填啊。
    • 另外关于Label,你以前自己申请的时候没用到吗?实在不行,找几张磁盘标签,写上地址,不也行了?
    • 我印象里,大人替小孩签字没问题。如果找不到写地址的不干胶,好像给四个写好自己地址的信封也可以。户口公证可以证明你的公民身份、住址等,应该做。
      • Thanks.
    • 我是在BJ申请,更改地址后移民局给寄了四个空白的label。填好后寄回去的
      • 那第一次从何来?
        • 第一次没见到有label。第二次才有条形码和空白label的。不知道是不是因为BJ实行这个方法的时间比HK晚。